Thursday, February 27, 2014

My 2 year old and his bedtime

Sasuke is the sweetest of the sweets. He is a really good helper. He MUST help with everything, which can make a simple task 3 million x harder/messier/longer. You have got to be so patient, because they genuinely want to help and is also learning. I think I am typing this out telling myself as a little reminder so i don't forget. It can be a struggle to be so patient day in and day out. If i get out the vacuum he comes a runnin "no mama, sasuke try, sasuke try!" To name a few others he must help with; laundry sorting, folding, putting clothes in the dryer, dishes, making dinner, sweeping, putting makeup on...pretty much every thing. Right now it is currently 9:00 pm (2 1/2 hours before he usually has been going to bed.  GASSSSSP) Its no fun. Keep reading. Although, the fact he is the cutest little boy does help a little. Sasuke recently learned how to crawl out of his bed. This is a phase i haven't had to go through yet. I feel like since he has been able to walk everything has been pretty routine and no crazy hard obstacle/milestone we have had to face and learn what to do. Besides juggling and catering to 2 under 2 tiny humans. (ya know, no biggie) Everything Noah does I know what to do and I can expect the milestones and know what worked for us and what didn't.  Anyways, Bedtimes were easy, Sasuke and Noah had a bedtime of 9:00 that worked really well for us. It is a little later then a lot of peeps put their babies down but this time was great for us and then he didn't wake up at the crack of dawn. Wahoo for sleeping in. Sasuke would sleep in until at least 8:30am and that had worked great for us since he was 9 months old. I mean about 12 hours of sleep for him. awesome. BUT NOW THAT HE CAN CRAWL OUT OF HIS BED.. It is a whole other story. I have no idea what to do. Everything is crazy. For the past two weeks (i think more?) he wont sleep in his bed. The first time he crawled out and We could hear him open the door. Landen and I both looked at each other. I felt DOOMED. I wasn't sure how to react. What the heck do we do now?!  He wont even act tired until 11:30/11:45. I mean he is TWO. Thats just not right. Is it illegal? I dont know that either. But it should be. I shouldn't even be awake that late. So he will either crawl into bed with us or Landen will sleep on the couch with him. Its just all out of wack. But tonight, he fell asleep at 9:00. Tonight it wasn't a struggle. So i dedicate this post to him. Life with a two year old is an adventure in itself. If i even say "ow!" about anything. Im guaranteed a kiss better. Sometimes directly on the injury or blows me a kiss with those perfectly puckered lips. I get the best hugs in the morning when he first sees me. "Hi, Mama" with a big smile. His vocabulary and his talking skills are the cutest most hilarious thing in the world. The way he says "Mama" is about the sweetest word.  When he enters my room. "Mama, Mama and Dada room?" then points to our bed "Mama and Dada bed?" and if i do not acknowledge then he will repeat until i mimic every word he just said. Yes that is Mama and Dada's bed. Continues to climb in our bed. "Mama, Sasuke in Mama Dada bed" When we drive in the car. "Mama, Sasuke drive in Mama car?" Yes, Sasuke we are driving in Mama's car. I mean, If i didn't feel like it was 2 am and its only a little past 9 I would mention more. But we can do that another day. This is just a bunch of ramblings about a bunch of sweet stuff. Sorry if it gets a tad boring. Mainly. this blog is for me and getting out things I want to say. It truly does make me happier writing down my experiences, highlights, and struggles. Hopefully making people laugh and know your not alone. Maybe, make people excited to have babies. Or maybe make you scared to have them too. Just a whole bunch of stuff. Anyone who wants to read along as I experience this journey. I would love that. Its a fun one.


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