Friday, April 18, 2014

My week

This week has been a really hard week for me. I didn't even look at the piled up laundry, I have avoided the dishes all week. Having to hand wash a bowl, cup or silverware out of the sink because I have let it get that bad. A lot of crying on Landen while he sweetly listens. My precious babes are on my last nerve. I have no patience and I feel like I've been yelling more than I ever want. I hate yelling. Who likes yelling? No one should. I feel so awful about all of it. I feel bad that I don't spend more one on one time with my boys. Having two babies, especially so close in age it's hard to share my time with the both of them. While also cooking and cleaning up and cleaning up and cleaning up after them again and again and again. They are into everything and it's just been hard on me. It's been the lonnnnnngest week. They are only little for such a short time I want to embrace it and cherish all the little moments, but this week has been hard. I think as a Mom you always feel like you can do better and my boys mean everything to me. I want to be the best for them and teach them great things and give them all the attention and love they could ever want beacaue they do deserve it.  I can't be the only one to feel this way. Hopefully this coming week will be much better and I'll be in better spirits so my attitude will be better and everything else will follow.  I'm so grateful for such healthy, smart, beautiful, wonderful, smiley boys. A wonderful loving, caring husband and a cute apartment to live in, oh and the slobbery Biggie dog too. 

Also, thank you Pinterest for giving me some motivation with these few quotes. 

Lastly, I apologize if my blog looks funny on whatever your reading it on. I always just use my iPhone to write and upload my pictures and I'm not sure how the layout looks. I appreciate everyone that actually reads my blog because if you have a blog, I probably read yours too :) you little cuties. 


  1. As a mom I can reassure you we all have days and weeks that feel long, we feel inadequate, grumpy and guilty we even feel that way because we love our children more than anything. Don't be hard on yourself - it is one of the hardest, busiest, most demanding jobs ever - but also the most rewarding, most impactful of anything you will ever do! Love you! You are a good mom so please remember that!
