Thursday, February 20, 2014

My life in Ecards

I was going to say 'my mom life in Ecards' but let's be real. That mom life consumes every part of my being. Today is a day when I feel like it's ONLY 11 am. Ok that's only 6 more hours until Landen gets home. 
I have been so tired Because Noah needs to be re sleep trained. He wakes up like 3 times at night. Let me remind you if you don't know he will be 1 in March. He sleeps in his bed which is in our bedroom so it's easier to just pull him into our bed and let him sleep sound rather than hearing him stand up and cry while staring at us. Also, Sasuke won't sleep in his bed either so instead of just Landen and I it's the whole fam in our bed! Yay (sarcasm, if you weren't catching that already) so my sleeping has been just awfully terrible ( is that even a thing?) Noah has to be sleeping on my chest and Sasuke has to be on my side of the bed and makes sure that my arm is wrapping around his chest or that he's holding some part of my body. I think they love me a little. Only a tiny though. I mean, I'm not sure while nobody wants to sleep with Dad. (Probably cause I'm much squishier) So what I'm trying to say is I sleep horrible and my back is done for. It's been hurting for days. Finally, Landen rubbed some icy hot on it last night. That's some weird stuff. Have you tried it? I'm sure you have. It's weird.

So I realize it's 11 am this morning and I haven't even made my cup of coffee. I finally make it. Then both boys decide to poop. I wonder if they plan this, together. Probably. Yay! So then I remember I left it on the counter and now it's cold because it's been a half hour. So whatever I don't want to warm it up. I set it down to help Sasuke stuff packing peanuts that he is INSISTING go into his toy helicopter right this very second. Then I hear dripping noises and realize MY COFFEE. And Noah had just grabbed my mug off of the window seal (he's got really fast hands -lighting fast) and it had spilled out covering the bay widow seat, and dripping down into the carpet. It's been a fun morning. 

The reason why we have packing peanuts out and about- Landen got a package yesterday that had a million packing peanuts inside and the boys had a blast playing in the box. Noah was seriously more excited then I've ever seen. They haven't gone out to the trash yet so now they are taking up my living room, my hallways and part if Sasuke's room. (Landen just probably forgot to take the box out ;) ) 

At last, the ecards

Why yes, yes I am. 

THE STRUGGLES ARE REAL! You really don't Know, until you actually know. Make sense?

Did I mention Sasuke can open the fridge now? He dumped a bag of shredded cheese on our bed while trying to share with Noah. What a sweet and thoughtful guy, I love cleaning up cheese! 


1 comment:

  1. Yep, that's me struggling with the One baby, haha
    Basically all of these are SO TRUE.
