After a long, long, loooooonnnnng day and after getting bottles and changing diapers and getting into Jammie's. Watching these little gents cuddle and drink their nightly bottle ( I know, Sasuke is 2 and he still drinks a bottle- #momlife) just about cures the longest of the lonnng days. Makes all the troubles of the day totally gone. I mean it's just all pretty sappy stuff all together.
Sasuke got up as I was putting some dishes in the sink and just came and grabbed my hand and pulled it on top of his shoulder hugged my hand and rested his head on my hand. These little guys are so loving without even knowing it. The sweetest in the entire world. And then my heart exploded. True story. I'm ok though :)
Hope your hump day was good! I did my morning workout and then went to 50 minutes of Zumba, which is the best workout ever. It's so much fun. Your doing this and doing that and doing weird stuff and I'm a HORRIBLE dancer so it's even more fun because I'm just laughing and smiling the whole time. It's fun. Try it If you haven't!
I have so much to say. But I will save it for another post. Ain't no body got time for that. I'm tired.
Ps we did a little bit of this today.
(Please do not try this at home)
It's shaving cream with food coloring if ya didn't know.

Maybe I am just an amateur buuuut it was all so awkward. I didn't know what to do! It's definitely for at least Sasuke's age kids. Noah tried to eat the cream. (Ew gross, bad mom!) That's his cute face in the first picture when he tried to eat it. So Sasuke loved it and had fun painting it all over the walls but then what?! Our guest bathroom has hot water for about .22 second before it starts getting warm and then it's FREEEEZING cold so it's hard to give them a nice long bath like little boys need. I didn't quite think it through. So in the beginning I undressed them and put them in the tub. I showed Sasuke what to do with it and he liked that. But then, I have boys covered in shaving cream and not ebough hot water to bathe them in. I had a dilemma. So I started filling up the tub then Sasuke decided he didn't want to be in the tub anymore and is screaming for a towel. So I got him out. And he went and pouted and watched the lorax. Noah just sat there patiently, as he usually does. Staring at me with those big blue eyes, like he always does. And that hot water lasted!! For the entire time for little baby Noah to take his own bath without sharing. Even after I Washed it all off the wall and drained it. Noah got to take a nice long bath by himself. I mean he does deserve it. He survives his brother everyday.
He loved that bath. Then he fell asleep in my arms with his towel on and I just stared at my sweet baby, like moms do. Held him and admired his sweet chubby cheeks, that fresh out of the bath baby smell, his sweet eyes closed and his pursed baby lips. That's when it feels like all time stands still and you never want them to grow up. Ever. (He will be one soon, one!!) Then you come to reality and remember you have a million plus twenty things to do. And lay him softly in his bed. Then he sleeps for 2 hours.
The little things, guys.
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